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Često postavljana pitanja
  • HK HU 30 C 03 D2 1 S0 K0 0

HK HU 30 C 03 D2 1 S0 K0 0

Hydraulikaggregat, konfigurierbar
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Opis proizvoda

The hydraulic units generate hydraulic energy and control or transmit it to hydraulic consumers.
In hydraulic systems, the hydraulic unit plays the central role by providing the necessary pressure and flow.
The hydraulic power units available in different versions an manufactured according to valid EU standards and directives.
Available extension options:
Connector plate NG6 / CETOP 3 up to 7 sections
Internal gear pump
Membrane accumulator
Oil-air cooler
Gear flow divider
Pressure filter
Optical/electrical filter monitoring
Oil collecting pan
mobile workshop trolley
Sandwich plate valve NG6 / CETOP 3
Directional valves NG6 / CETOP 3
Proportional valves NG6 / CETOP 3
Adsorber for moisture adsorption
For configuration tables, see additional data sheet.
Napomena o narudžbi
The items listed below, are part of the preferred series and are generally available from stock.
The hydraulic power units are manufactured and supplied by our subsidiary, Willmann Steuerungstechnik GmbH in Vechta.
Contact: aggregatebau@hansa-flex.com
Opseg isporuke
E-motor 400 V / 50 Hz.
External gear pump.
Connection plate NG6 / CETOP 3.
Pressure relief valve.
Cross-over plate NG6 / CETOP 3 (P->A, T<->B).
Pressure gauge with stopcock, from 0 - 250 bar.
Return filter 10 µm.
Breather filter.
Optical temperature / level display
Electrical temperature / level switch.
Without oil filling (suitable for mineral oils, up to a viscosity of 60 mm²/s).