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Često postavljana pitanja


Rotordüsen mit Keramikeinsatz
Radni tlak
do 250 bara 
Dodatak kod izvedbe
with ceramic insert 
Dodatno obilježje
kut raspršivanja od 20° 
Preuzimanje PDF-a
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Radni tlak
  • do 250 bara 
Dodatak kod izvedbe
  • with ceramic insert 
Dodatno obilježje
  • kut raspršivanja od 20° 
Navoj priključka
  • G 1/4″ -19 
Područje primjene
  • čišćenje 
  • BSPP unutarnji navoj, cilindrični 
Temperatura maks.
  • 100 °C
Customs tariff number
  • 84249080 
Sva svojstva

Opis proizvoda

How do I choose the correct nozzle?
In the additional documents you can find the PDF »TI_HW_DUESE«. Please open the PDF.
Zahtjev: Tlak u barima i protok u l/min uređaja moraju biti poznati, npr. 15 l/min (900 l/h) - 150 bara.
1. On the first row (pressure in bar), jump to column »150«.
2. In column »150«, go to row »15.2«. This comes closest to 15 l/min.
3. In row »15.2« I go left to the first column and get to »055«.
4. I will require also a nozzle with size »055«.
5. The size »055« can be found at the end of the respective part description.
Rotating nozzles with ceramic insert.

Product variants

7 Results
Kut (°)
Ø sapnice izvana (mm)
Cijena / Komad

Column selection

Kut (°)
Ø sapnice izvana (mm)