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K- 07 40 12 85

Double nipple
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Detalji o proizvodu za

K- 07 40 12 85

Navoj 1
G 1/4″ -19
Navoj 2
G 1/4″ -19
Rezervni dio za
K-07250322 - K-07250343 K-07250359 - K-07250366 K-07250583 - K-07250590 K-07250665 - K-07250672 K-07250883 - K-07250892 K-07251074 - K-07251078 K-07251449 - K-07251458 K-07251489 - K-07251498
21 mm
8 mm
8 mm
17 mm
Sva svojstva


  • poniklani mesing 
Radna temperatura
  • Max. 150 °C 
  • Max. 60 bar 
Customs tariff number
  • 74122000 

Opis proizvoda

Drugi podatci na zahtjev.
Measurements of the standard connectors can change minimally due to optimisation processes during catalogue's utilization time.
Suitable for air, water, oil, steam, etc.
Dodatne informacije
Further types and dimensions on request.

Product variants

31 Results
Prikaži crtež s dimenzijama
Navoj 1
Navoj 2
Rezervni dio za
L1 (mm)
Cijena / Komad
G 1/4″ -19 
G 1/4″ -19 
K-07250322 - K-07250343 
K-07250359 - K-07250366 
K-07250583 - K-07250590 
K-07250665 - K-07250672 
K-07250883 - K-07250892 
K-07251074 - K-07251078 
K-07251449 - K-07251458 
K-07251489 - K-07251498 
21 mm
G 3/8″ -19 
G 3/8″ -19 
K-07250336 - K-07250343 
K-07250359 - K-07250366 
K-07250585 - K-07250593 
K-07250667 - K-07250675 
K-07250887 - K-07250895 
K-07251074 - K-07251080 
K-07251449 - K-07251451 
K-07251456 - K-07251461 
K-07251493 - K-07251501 
24 mm

Shows 10 of 31

Column selection

Navoj 1
Navoj 2
Rezervni dio za
L1 (mm)
L2 (mm)
L3 (mm)